Saturday, February 29, 2020

Class Schedule 3/2-3/6

Upcoming Due Dates: 
Citizenship Project 3/9 

Mon. Week #1 of Citizenship Service Project Due!
3 Branches Webquest- Assignment on Canvas

Tues. How a Bill Becomes A Law
Nearpod on Canvas 

Wed. Utah's Urban Growth and Sprawl GIS Story 
Link on Canvas 
*need a copy of the worksheet

Thurs. Finish Utah's Urban Grwth and Sprawl GIS Story

Fri. Give A Hoot Project! 
Finish writing paragraphs

Monday, February 24, 2020

Class Schedule 2/24-2/28

Upcoming Due Dates: 
Week 1 of Service Project- Type paragraph into Canvas- due 3/2

Mon. Start Citizenship Service Project 
Who Rules? - Different Types of Government 

Tues. State Power

Wed. Utah's Constitution Activity
*Need Utah Studies textbook 

Thurs. Government Structure Notes 
 *Notes on a Nearpod on Canvas
You will need a copy of the notesheet

Fri. Hoot Project! 
Step 3 

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Class Schedule 2/10-2/14

Upcoming Due Dates: 
Immigration Test- 2/13/20

Mon. Ellis Island Reflection 
Finish Immigration Stories and map 
(in Immigration Packet) 

Tues. Immigration Notes 
*Nearpod on Canvas 
Note sheet in the packet 
Journal #4

Wed. Immigration Bargraph

Student-Led Conferences 

Thurs. Immigration Test

Government Pre-test
Student-Led Conferences 

Fri. No School!

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Class Schedule 2/3-2/7

Mon.  No School 
Snow Day!

Tues. Ellis Island Virtual Tour 
page 14-15 in packet 
Link to website on Canvas 

Wed. Immigration Stories 
page 12-13 in packet 
*you will need to get a copy of the stories

Thurs. Ellis Island 
*if you miss you need to write a 2 page paper on Ellis Island and Immigration

Fri. American Tale 

Monday, January 13, 2020

Class Schedule 1/13-1/17

Upcoming Due Dates: 
Ancestor Project due 1/14/20

*Instructions for the project on Canvas

Mon. Review for Struggle for Statehood Test
Finish study guide
Finish Struggle for Statehood Study Guide 
Homework: Study for test and Ancestor Project

Tues. Ancestor Project Due
Struggle for Statehood Test

Wed.  Ancestor Presentations

Thurs. Ancestor Presentations

Fri.  Read Ch. 17, 18, 19 in Hoot!

Monday, December 30, 2019

Class Schedule 1/6-1/10

Upcoming Due Dates: 
Missing Work due 1/9
Ancestor Project Due 1/14

Ancestor Project Examples are on Canvas 

Mon. Native American War Chart
*Need Utah Studies Textbook 

Tues. Utah War Notes
(Nearpod is available on Canvas)

Wed. Mountains Meadows Massacre

Thurs. Struggle for Statehood Nearpod

Fri. Hoot Reader's Theatre

Class Schedule 12/16-12/20

Upcoming Due Dates: 
Adobe Spark Project 12/20
Missing Work 1/9

Mon. Finish Bear River Massacre 
Adobe Spark Project (see Canvas) 

Tues. Adobe Spark Project

Wed. Adobe Spark Project
Bear River Quiz 

Thurs. Adobe Spark Project Work Day 

Fri. Hoot Lego Activity
Adobe Spark Project Due 

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Class Schedule 12/9-12/13

Upcoming Due Dates: Ancestor Project- end of Jan.

Mon. Finish Women's Suffrage
Finish Railroad 
Assign Ancestor Project
Struggle For Statehood Study Guide

Tues. Women's Suffrage Movie

Wed. Bear River Incident 

Thurs. Bear River Incident 

Fri. Hoot! 
Acts of Kindness 

Utah Studies Assignments

Class Schedule 3/2-3/6

Upcoming Due Dates:  Citizenship Project 3/9  Mon. Week #1 of Citizenship Service Project Due! 3 Branches Webquest- Assignment on Canv...