Thursday, October 4, 2012

Class Schedule

Current Event (Topic- Geography)- Due Mon!
Utah Geography Quiz- Mon!
Utah Atlas- Due Tues!

Mon. Giant Map of Utah
Utah Geography Quiz
Table Top Map of Utah activity
Current Event Due! Click here for the link to the assignment:Current Event

Tues. Utah Atlas Due!
Click here for a link of maps to look at (actual Utah Atlas): Utah Atlas
Go to the link and click on Atlas paragraphs: Atlas paragraphs
Click here for copies of the maps: Utah Geography Maps

Native American Influence Map
For a copy of the map, click on link, then NA map: Native American Map
The students will need a packet to complete the map (that will be stored at the back of the classroom)

Wed. Create Your Own Prehistoric Tribe
(Draw on paper plate)
Click here for a copy of the assignment: 

Thurs. Mystery of the Anasazi Reading
(Due to copyright, can't post the reading, get extra copies at the back of the classroom)

Fri. DA Training
Hufflepuff group!

NJHS Flash Mob Video!

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Utah Studies Assignments

Class Schedule 3/2-3/6

Upcoming Due Dates:  Citizenship Project 3/9  Mon. Week #1 of Citizenship Service Project Due! 3 Branches Webquest- Assignment on Canv...