Sunday, December 16, 2012

Class Schedule 12/17-12/21

Upcoming Due Dates:
Donner Party My Access Paper final draft due this Monday!

Mon. Explorers and Pioneers Quiz
Turn in:
KBAT (study guide)
Donner Party Final Draft printed from My Access:
The Prompt: 
Survival in Snowbound
The book Snowbound describes the journey of the Donner Party and the difficult moral decisions they were forced to make in order to survive. Do you believe their actions were justified under the circumstances? 
In a well-developed essay, write to convince the reader of your position on this issue. Be sure to use details of the journey to support your argument. 

Class Assignment: Territoral Times Newspaper
For a copy of the assignment, click on the link,scroll towards the bottom of the page, there are two documents that are needed: Territorial Times 1 and 2. Territorial Times Newspaper
Need textbook! 
Homework: Sub for Santa!

Finish Territoral Times Newspaper
Need Textbook! 

Wed. Charlie Brown and the Transcontienetal Railroad

Thurs. Pioneer Cell Activity
Team Activity

Fri. Read-a-thon!
Bring your favorite book!

Winter Break!
Happy Holidays! 

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Utah Studies Assignments

Class Schedule 3/2-3/6

Upcoming Due Dates:  Citizenship Project 3/9  Mon. Week #1 of Citizenship Service Project Due! 3 Branches Webquest- Assignment on Canv...