Monday, January 21, 2013

Class Schedule 1/21-1/25

Upcoming Due Dates:
Ancestor Project Due Mon. Jan. 28th 
Click here for a copy of the assignment: Ancestor Project 
Permission Slip for field trip due this Wednesday!
$8 due to the front office

Mon. Happy Martin Luther King's Day!
No School

Tues. Beginning of new quarter!
Timeline Assignment (need textbook)
For a copy of the assignment- click on the links (it is two pages) : Timeline Page 1
Timeline page 2
Homework: Current Event - Current Event
 and Ancestor Project 

Wed. Snowball Activity (review for quiz) : Copy of Snowball
Homework: Current Event and Ancestor project

Thurs. Start Immigration Unit
Ellis Island Play

Fri. DA Training

Pictures from our last Hufflepuff Friday group!


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Utah Studies Assignments

Class Schedule 3/2-3/6

Upcoming Due Dates:  Citizenship Project 3/9  Mon. Week #1 of Citizenship Service Project Due! 3 Branches Webquest- Assignment on Canv...