Friday, October 4, 2013

Class Schedule 10/7-10/11

Upcoming Due Dates
Mon. 10/7- Watch the News Current Event
Mon. 10/14- Utah Atlas Due 
Mon. 10/14- Utah Geography Quiz 

Mon. Due: Watch the News Current Event- Current Event
Assignment: Utah Population Map and Paragraph
Blank Map: Population Map
Atlas paragraph:  Atlas Paragraphs

Tues. Geologic Timeline
Assignment: Make A Timeline Using Ch. 2 in Utah Studies Textbook 
Geologic Timeline: Timeline

Wed. Choose a Map and Paragraph
Assignment: Choose a Map that we have not done in class, color map, and write a paragraph about the map
Blank Map: Pick a Map
Atlas paragraph: Atlas Paragraph


Thurs. Utah Atlas Table of Contents, Glossary and Cover
Assignment: Put maps in order, make a Table of Contents, Glossary, and make a cover 
Glossary: Glossary

Fri. Dumbledore Army Training 
Research Project

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Utah Studies Assignments

Class Schedule 3/2-3/6

Upcoming Due Dates:  Citizenship Project 3/9  Mon. Week #1 of Citizenship Service Project Due! 3 Branches Webquest- Assignment on Canv...