Sunday, February 2, 2014

Class Schedule 1/20-1/24

Mon. No School 

Tues. Problems with Polygamy and Stumbling Blocks
Problems with Polygamy Assignment: Worksheet
Stumbling Blocks: Stumbling Block WS
Assigned Ancestor Project  -

Wed. Timeline- 
Front Side- Struggle for Statehood Timeline
Back side- Struggle For Statehood Timeline

Thurs. Snowball Review- Snowball
Struggle for Statehood Quiz 
End of the 2nd qtr post-test 

Fri. No School - End of 1st quarter

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Utah Studies Assignments

Class Schedule 3/2-3/6

Upcoming Due Dates:  Citizenship Project 3/9  Mon. Week #1 of Citizenship Service Project Due! 3 Branches Webquest- Assignment on Canv...