Sunday, November 4, 2012

Beginning of 2nd qtr! 

Mon. Reading Native American Legends
For a copy of the worksheet, go to the link, click on the Native American link doc- Native American Legend

Tues. Happy Election Day!
Write Your own Native American Legend
Click on the link, and Native American legend ws
Write Your Own Legend

Wed. Sharing Native American Legend
Click on link for Native American legend:

Thurs. KBAT (study guide)  and Review for Native American test
Homework: Study for quiz on Mon.

Fri. Dumbledore Army Training

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Utah Studies Assignments

Class Schedule 3/2-3/6

Upcoming Due Dates:  Citizenship Project 3/9  Mon. Week #1 of Citizenship Service Project Due! 3 Branches Webquest- Assignment on Canv...