Sunday, November 11, 2012

Class Schedule 11/12/13- 11/16/12

Happy Veterans Day!

Happy Geography Awareness Week!

Mon. Last day to turn in Native American Research Paper
Native American Quiz
Why do people seek out new places? Assignment
Click on the link, click on Why do people seek out new places: Why people seek out new places
Current Event assigned: Watch the news on TV: Current Event

Start Journal project- Students will keep a journal for everyday this unit. Journal entries will need to be two paragraphs long. Students will need one entry per school day and one entry per weekend. A total of 18 entries. 
Journal Entry:
Write two paragraphs about you. Include details about your family, friends, interests, hobbies, favorites, and anything else about you.  

Tues. Why do people seek out new places. 
See the link above 

Homework: Current Event

Journal Entry: Why do you live where you live? Where did your parents live? Where did your grandparents from? What is your family like?

Wed. Native American Station Team activity 
For the make-up assignment- click on the link, and choose the alternNativeAmerican World Doc Native American Station 

View Utah Native Americans in a larger map

Thurs. Dominguez and Escalante 
 Butterfield's classes- map and journal assignment
Kirkman's 1st period- Click on link, and click on DandE Focus Box for a copy of the assignment: 
Dominguez and Esclante Focus Box 

Journal Entry: 

Fri. Dumbledore Army Training 
Weekend Journal entry:

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Utah Studies Assignments

Class Schedule 3/2-3/6

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